The Lower Hudson Valley
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View Description Difficulty rating
A working example of a lifting body. 2/10
Joseph A. Golden has designed this retro, tin style deformed tank. A wonderful beginners model with very nice results.

An amazing collection of trucks by Chriess. 1/24 scale, 8/10

AT LAST after so many years someone has taken Chriess collection of amazing trucks, and has re-released/improved, and added to them, including color and an amazing pictoral set of directions. Thank you Retunga! I'm sure this will be a big hit. I'm even lowering the difficulty rating based on these wonderful directions. 6.5/10
Another incredible creation by Chriess. 1/24 scale, 8/10
Chriess has raised the bar once again with this actual working hydraulic crane 9/10
Shaun Y. has designed a brilliant additon to our shipyard. (ok,our only element in our shipyard.) a container crane at 1:400 6/10

Michael O'Reilly's brilliant paper airplane design re-colored in a X-craft fantasy design. This one requires no glue or scissors.

Instructions for how to build (and fly) this model are here at Michael's website:

Another submission of a very easy origami style plane (with just a little spot of glue) that with a nice paint job comes out very cool. Works too!


Bob B. has sent in this amazing Boeing 707 plane. It looks spectacular, but not for the beginner.


By popular demand, I am releasing the hardest model I have designed and built, the Tellurian Orrery. It looks spectacular, It actually works (its an automata,) but its not for the beginner. This model is more of an instructional guide and templates, Look at the build images carefully.


Greelt felt the Saturn V needs some more detail, and has submitted a great model of a 1:48 F1 Engine. I can only imagine what his 1:48 Saturn V will look like.


Working from the bottom up, Greelt has now made the thrust structure to the Saturn V at 1:48. Thanks Greelt!!!!


Jasper would like to share a redraw of some of the parts of Greelt's F1 engine, adding even more detail to an already complex model. Thanks Jasper!


The entire 1st stage is now ready. Another work of art by Greelt.


And after a brief hiatus, Greelt has continued climbing the Saturn V stack with the release of the Interstage between the first and second statge


The J2 rocket from Greelt, your gonna need 6 of these...


Sorry, no update to Greelt's model yet, but Mark has combined what greelt has published with the 1:48 version of the Saturn V from ton's model. Thanks for the picture essay Mark!


Ton has created a Apollo capsule parachute.


Roman of PaperWarBirds is also contributing to an Enhanced Saturn V with a great display base in the style of the LUT for the 1:96 Saturn V's. Click here for link to model.


Joerg has sent in a re-paint of the Saturn V fairings with accurate fin lines. 1:96 at 100% Thanks Joerg.


the 32Ford from 'American Graffiti'. A wonderful hot rod from the collection of Ron K. One of a series of 6 of his hot rod series. Supporters of the LHVCC get the rest. Click here for model. Thanks Ron!!!

(Rats, I got the grille upside down grr.....)


While Angel G. Loved the 32 ford, he was a bit challenged by the directions. Well this new designer went over the top straigtening out all the parts of this model, created some great directions, and even alternate color schemes. Thanks for sharing Angel!!!

Love the Red brake Calipers...


Lucas has made available the different logos for the shuttles. Thanks Lucas!! to contact lucas here is his email:

Skip contines his offerings with Boba Fett's helmet from 'Star Wars'

Model here


Lauren has sent in this repaint of the NF104 with all due credits to Kancho and Nobi. This is the famous test plane that Chuck Yeager flew.

Model here


Gary P. took up the challenge of making a model from my sons video game of lord of the rings elven battle tower. Here it is for all to enjoy. The 3D model of this was created less than 12 hours after I took the screen caps of the video game.

Model here


Pablo is an elementary school student who had difficulty with some of the more challenging models and wanted some beginner models. Here at the Egiftshop a new project was formed dedicated to those who are just getting started in paper modeling. A white version for you to paint yourself should be coming soon as well as a conversion to make this one a flyer. Thanks to Ton (and Pablo!) for reminding me of what this site is about.

Model here


Attention rivet counters with a love of the Saturn 1B Missions! Vince has graciously re-colored the base Saturn 1B parts to match specific Missions including Apollo 7, ASTP, and various SA missions. Thanks Vince!
Models here


Greelt submits his version of a Saturn V Base. This is a spectacular way to show off your 1/48 Saturn v. Thanks Greelt!
Model here


Here's an old one. In this directory is a compilation of work by Ed, Steve, and me on creating a competition style chess game. Out of paper, it looks really cool if you mount magnets on the bottom and mount a metal board on a wall with the pieces sticking out from the wall (gotta love paper.)
All you really need are the zip files, but I'm including various development files we used as well in case you want to enhance your chess set.
Model here


Gary S. has sent in a beautiful display base for the Saturn I and Saturn IB. A very fitting addition. Thanks Gary!
Model here


George has also made for the world a great construction crane. I imagine the HO train folks would be very interested in this model. Its at a scale of 1:96 to convert it to 1:87 for HO scale is an neat excercise in computer graphic skills.
Model here


Angel has made up a series of bases for use in your models different size ones as well as color schemes. Enjoy!
Model here


John J has put together an amazing lesson plan for home or school, the straw rocket launcher system. This is a bit different than the usual offers here at the egiftshop, I hope you find is as interesting and useful as we do here at LHVCC.
Lesson plans/Models here

7/10 launcher 3/10 rockets
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From Dr strangelove, Forgot I made this one. Here it is. Best in B&W.

Klingon Scout Ship. A design by Conrad Mitchell. Well done!!! (2 versions included, Conrads original, and an alternate paint by me.)

nial_heavy_fighter from Babylon 5

Diego Cortes Pardo has submitted this model for your enjoyment. Thanks Diego!

Tie interceptor MFP by Conrad.
Designed to be accessorized.

Like these!!!! (click here as well).

Battlestar Gallactica models by Aaron Murphy. The Scarlet Viper. Another Blast from my childhood. Thanks Aaron!i

Now with the Snowram and Landram ATV's as well!!!!
And now the big G herself, Battlestar Gallactica by Gearz' (Brett) Thanks!!!
Bill Perry sends in this cleaned up version of Star Treks USS Defiant. Thanks Bill!!! (click here)

NOW with instructions!!! (click here)

And some beta building pics and tips here:
all mistakes noted here have since been fixed.

This version is based on the original drawings version available here:
(plus a whole lot more!!!!)


ArmorBimbo has allowed me to publish my recolor of his Robot Leviathan Crusader wargamer thing. Still could stand some more detail, but its off to a nice start.


Mike made a great version of Rocketship XM. To me it looked like the great starting point to flash gordons space rocket, so here it is. Mikes Rocket and other can be seen here:

Rons magnificent Star Trek Model, 16 inches when complete, not A,B,C,D, ... The original one that started it all. In a metallic finish.
Instructions here.

Model here.

And now a stand by Dave!!! thanks Dave!!
Alan send in his model of a Vulcan Shuttle from Star trek
Model here.

And long overdue... the Enterprise 1701D from Star trek. Thanks go out to Erik J. for this missing link in the paper modelling world saga...
Model here.

build pics here.

And a fan-fiction star wars fighter spaceplane from Conrad, the N2 fighter, the second generation Naboo fighter. Should make a great playtoy.
Model here.

Gary P sent in this amazing model of the spaceplane from '2001: A space oddessy` to continue our salute to Artists concept spacecraft. Thanks Gary! Well done.
Model here.

Ron has put together a wonderful model of the bridge from star trek TOS (the original ship) This one is sure to turn some heads. Now complete with instructions.
Model here.

Mike has submitted the Flying sub. An amazing bit of engineering to get the complex curves just right.
Model here.

Robert's magnificent version of the SS Botany Bay from the original Star Trek Series. This is a very significant vessel in the Star Trek genre.
Model here.

The NSEA Protector from "GalaxyQuest"
A worldwide effort has come together to bring this model to reality. Bill worked on the mesh, Rick on the unfolding, Paul and I on coloring and putting it together as a release.
Model here.

The travel pod for the TV show '7 Days' designed by Joy. Looks like a desktop model. Please enjoy!!!
Model here.

Skip has designed a spectacular version of the X-wing craft from 'Star Wars' Some of the best graphics for this model I've ever seen. Thanks Skip!!!
Model here.

Skip has also made up the ATST from Star Wars. Enjoy!!!
Model here.

Skip adds the Romulan Warbird from the Star Trek Series. Looks great!
Model here.

Wolfgang has put together a wonderfull model based on the old plastic kits from the 1950's.

Gearz (aka, Brett) has submitted for your building pleasure the Hornet from the Terran Trade Authority.

Skip's star trek models are coming online, here is the enterprise c ncc-1701c.
Model here.

and also the phoenix thanks skip!!!!
Model here.

Skip would also like to share his model of the bridge of the Enterprise D. I'm sure all Star Trek fans will know the difference between the bridges. UPDATE: Skip's bridge models are available by purchase only.
Model now available thru EBAY.

The enterprise 1701E from the star trek movie is now availiable. Thanks again Skip. Be warned though! this is right off the presses, the ink isn't even dry and this is a Beta Model. There might be a mistake or two and the instructions are sketchy at best. UPDATE: Skip's bridge models are available by purchase only.
Model now available thru EBAY.

Bill has submitted a mostly complete model of the Martian War machine from George Pal's brilliant 1954 movie "War of the Worlds". Feel free to enhance the colors and have me issue a 1.1 version. Thanks for sharing Bill!
Model here.

Gary S. sends in this really cool model of the ISSCV from 'space above and beyond' is modular and very configurable in a host of versions. Thanks Gary!
Model here.

Hey! Eduardo is also working on the ISSCV model. Here is his version of the model. Same model but designed independently.
Model here.

Alan,Ron,Steve,Butch,Jayden, have all worked at great lengths to bring for all the Hako Star Trek series. Feel free to sing along when you play with your completed set. NAA, Naaa, Na Na Na Na NAAAAAHHHHH....
Model here.

Now with additional bridge parts here!!

It started as just a drawing in a collection of sci fi fantasy images, and Andrew G. turned into a 3d model of incredible detail. Thanks Andrew for sharing this amazing bit of paper engineering.

The Terrestrial Voyager.

Model here.

Bryan T is a new designer to our community and we here at LHVCC are proud to host his model of the Orion Battleship variant of the Orion nuclear-powered spacecraft.
Thanks Bryan!

Model here.

Nando brings us an interesting engineering airplane from the early days of flight. The Sopwith Swallow: An early attempt to make a practical single wing fighter plane. While the plane itself didn't make it to production, it did set the stage for future plane developers.

Model here.

Not for the light hearted, this model may be the most challenging of our collection. For your effort however, you will be rewarded with a spectacular rendition of the LZ 13 Zeppelin from the early 20th century. Thanks to designer Thorsten B. for making this model available to all for download.

Model here.

Dave from has made for the center a paper version of the old 1970's plastic hot rod kits, The Moon Mixer.
Model here.
